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Notes/Domino R6 Pre-Release 2 - designer

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Pokračujeme ve výčtu změn, které přináší pre-release verze 2. Výčet změn designera je sice kratší, ale neméně zajímavý

I v tomto případě zůstaneme u původního znění:


  • Users can now create arbitrary levels of folders in the Domino Designer bookmark pane, allowing for greater customization and organization of the design environment.
  • Users can now select multiple databases in the 'Open Database' dialog, and create multiple bookmarks at one time.
  • Design elements can be opened directly from bookmarks by expanding the list of design elements, clicking on the icon for the design element type, and then clicking on the design element of interest.
  • Designer now allows the user to drag database and folder icons around within the Designer bookmarks. Folders can be moved into other folders, and databases can be promoted to the bookmark bar, allowing for greater customization and organization of the design environment.
  • Designers can create collections of arbitrary design elements in a database by creating a folder that is parented by the database, and dragging and dropping design elements into that folder.

Design Elements
  • The ability to create a customized Tools menu now allows application designers to extend the Designer environment by including their own custom formulas or third party tools.
  • Layers, which can contain any element that a page or form can contain (for example, text, graphics, links, and so on), allow a designer to position overlapping blocks of content anywhere on a page or form.
  • Resources, such as images, shared fields, subforms, applets, and embedded views, can now be referenced and shared across databases. Additionally, Notes Client users can now access and manage their own image resources to consolidate the definition of images in a central repository.
  • New border styles allow the use of a shared image as a border, and include a new style called "Picture", which makes an image look like an instant photo.
  • The Agent design list is now sortable.
  • An action can now be displayed as a checkbox instead of a button. The associated menu item will also support a checked state.
  • Designer will now be able to specify 3D, simple, or no border for all native-style controls.
  • Customizable twisties allow designers to specify specific bitmaps (also called an image well) for use to identify sections as "collapsed" or "expanded".
  • Embedded outlines now can be programmed through the Designer Programming Pane.
  • Style sheets can now be placed into subforms.
  • Users may generate reports on their database design by applying an XSL style sheet to the DXL output of one or more design elements.
  • In multilingual databases, designers can now provide different language versions of shared fields, and manipulate the shared action Notes creates for each language.
  • Formulas can now be used to specify the kind, database, and name of a design element for named elements in frames and link hotspots.
  • Users with "Editor" access in the Access Control List can now enable agents. Note that this is allowed only if the agent is set to allow activation by editors (via the second tab in the agent builder).
  • Designers can specify that the same JavaScript be used for both Notes and the web by selecting "Common JavaScript" from the dropdown 'language' list in the programmer's pane.
  • In addition to selecting HTML or Java Applet for editing rich text on the web, there is a new option, 'Best Fit for OS', that will use the IE ActiveX edit control on IE 5.0 or higher browsers running on Win32 system.
  • ActiveX control properties can now be edited through property sheets.
  • The Design Synopsis feature now displays Hide-When formulas associated with design elements.
  • Shared Actions are now listed under Resources-Shared Actions in the design pane, instead of under Resources-Other-Shared Actions.
  • Designers can indicate that design elements and other design components are specifically intended for mobile clients, or indicate that a design element should be hidden from mobile clients, in the same way design elements may be hidden from web or Notes clients.
  • Design elements that specifically inherit from a template are now marked with a bitmap in the design list.

Fields, Functions, & Events
  • @GetField(fieldName) returns the value of the field, which is a text parameter. @ThisName returns the name of the current field. @ThisValue returns the value of the current field. These new functions allow for portable code.
  • Enhancements to the Designer allow designers to configure a new Time Zone control (available in Meeting, Appointment, and Reminder calendar entries).
  • There is a new field property called Input Enabled which is available for all field types, with the exception of Rich Text and Rich Text Lite. This property only works when field style is set to 'Native OS only'.
  • Field.OnChange event: added to Field object.
  • NotesUIDocument.PostSend event: occurs after a document has been sent (mailed)
  • NotesUIDocument.QuerySend event: occurs before a document is sent (mailed)
  • NotesUIDocument.QueryRecalc event: occurs before a document is recalculated.

Programmability: BackEnd Classes
  • View

      View design is now editable.

      All properties are Read/Write.

      Methods to Insert and Remove View Columns

  • ViewColumn

      View Column design is now editable

      All properties are Read/Write

  • RichText

      Ability to Navigate a RichText item.

      Ability to Append a Table.

      Ability to do editing on a Table.

      Ability to enumerate TextRuns, TextParagraphs, and Tables

      Ability to remove those elements

      Insert Mode wherein Append methods will act at a point within RichText

      Ability to do editing operations on a Range between two points within a RichText item:

        - GetStyle

        - SetStyle

        - Remove

  • Security-related

      Ability to access databases on Remote servers while running on server.

      Ability to programmatically Enable/Disable agents while running on server.

      Ability to Activate agents without signing

      Ability to run scheduled agents on behalf of another user

      Allow persons with non- designer access to Activate agents

      Improved consistency between LS, simple and formula agents

  • AgentManager

      Ability to run agents from server console

      Ability to enumerates agents in database from server console

      Ability to assign restricted rights to unrestricted signers on per agent basis

      Ability to assign Reader List to an agent

  • MIMEEntity, MIMEHeader

      Ability to create or retrieve named Document MIMEEntity items

      Ability to create a parent or child MIMEEntity item

      Ability to delete a MIMEEntity item

      Ability to fully-navigate among multipart MIMEEntity items

      Ability to stream the content of a MIMEEntity item

      Ability to stream a MIMEEntity's headers and content in text format

      Ability to encode or decode the content of a MIMEEntity item

      Ability to read/write a MIMEEntity's preamble property

      Ability to read a MIMEEntity's boundarystart and boundaryend properties

      Automatic multipart boundary and content type management

      Ability to navigate all MIMEEntity headers, or to retrieve a named MIMEEntity header

      Ability to append RFC2047-encoded text to a MIMEHeader's value

      Ability to create or update MIMEHeaders in RFC822/MIME format

      Ability to update a MIMEHeader value or any individual parameter

      Ability to delete a MIMEHeader

  • Stream

      Ability to create Streams in a Session

      Ability to stream the content of a MIMEEntity item

      Ability to stream bytes, or text for specifiable character sets

      Ability to stream in memory, or to/from a file

      Ability to interface with Java.io streams classes

Programmability: FrontEnd Classes
  • RichText reload within UIDocument after editing in backend

Programming and Data Management
  • Support for a project model that allows designers to build, organize, and deploy complex applications that combine NSF with non-NSF files.
  • Designer now supports Data Connection Resources (DCR) which define links from Notes applications to other external data sources. That is, there is a Notes/Oracle connector, Notes/DB2 connector, etc. This feature enhances the ability to exchange data between Notes and non-Notes applications.
  • Designers can now specify that forms and pages have content (MIME) types other than HTML.
  • Form design now supports the ability to edit the HTML representation of a form, with the option to save changes to either the native object or to the HTML object.
  • When editing HTML in the HTML view, a preview window is now available to allow visual feedback.
  • Pass-thru HTML on forms and pages now renders in Notes Client. Pass-thru HTML in rich text fields still displays as raw HTML.
  • JavaScript code can now be stored in Script Libraries to allow designers a place to define common JavaScript functions so that code doesn't have to be repeated in many forms/views/pages or shared elements. Allows for easier maintenance of JavaScript code.
  • The UI now provides a mechanism that enables users to recompile all of the LotusScript in their application. In addition, support for tools for debugging server-based LotusScript agents is now included.
  • The Open statement in LotusScript has been extended to include a code page. This allows the script writer to handle character sets in different code pages than the current platform that the script is running on.
  • Autocomplete support is now available for LotusScript editing.
  • The LotusScript IDE now supports code sections that are larger than 64K.
  • Any viewable or editable source code can be printed from the programmer's pane.

  • Color choices are being standardized by using one color-picker instead of the two previously available.
  • Certain common properties can be set on more than one selected design element.

Už aby to bylo! Přinese to něco pozitivního i vám? --> zůčastněte se naší diskuse.

Autor: Emil Čelustka
Datum: 13.05.2002

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